Are You Too Smart To File For Social Security Disability Benefits?
Are You Too Smart To File For Social Security Disability Benefits? Are You Too Smart To File For Social Security Disability Benefits? Are You Too Smart To File For Social Security Disability Benefits? It’s true, sometimes people have too much education and/or...
Keep Going To The Doctor Even If You Are On Social Security Disability
Many people reach a level in their treatment where going to the doctor or the hospital simply is not going to cure their impairment or condition. It becomes pointless to keep seeking medical attention. But, that is not the reason why the Social Security Administration determines whether or not a person is disabled.

Why Medical Records Are So Important In Your Social Security Disability Case
Believe it or not, Social Security regulations require anyone working for the Administration to not approve a claim unless there is medical evidence to support the allegation that a claimant is disabled. For example, not matter how much a person claims he or she is in pain, those allegations must be substantiated in order for a claim to be approved. Simply put, unless there is some amount of medical evidence, your claim is going to be denied.

Pain as a Condition or Impairment for Your Social Security Disability Claim
Pain as a Condition or Impairment for Your Social Security Disability Claim Pain as a Condition or Impairment for Your Social Security Disability Claim Pain is a reality for many with physical limitations which keep them from working. The Social Security...
SSD Case Approval – How Long Will I Have To Wait?
Unless you meet what is called a Medical Listing for your condition or you meet one of the rules of the Medical-Vocational Guidelines, you will have to probably wait a very long time.