Why Medical Records Are So Important In Your Social Security Disability Case

Why Medical Records Are So Important In Your Social Security Disability Case

Believe it or not, Social Security regulations require anyone working for the Administration to not approve a claim unless there is medical evidence to support the allegation that a claimant is disabled. For example, not matter how much a person claims he or she is in pain, those allegations must be substantiated in order for a claim to be approved. Simply put, unless there is some amount of medical evidence, your claim is going to be denied.

Why You May Lose Your Social Security Disability Case

Why You May Lose Your Social Security Disability Case

You’re too ill to work, or you’ve got too many things wrong with you to work at your old job -right? Well, that may possibly be, but it may not be enough to win your Social Security disability case. The reality is that everyone who files for Social Security disability has some kind of condition or impairment, but many will be denied because of a number of different reasons.